Wednesday, November 9, 2011

11 Facts About Batik!

Everyone loves batik, is not it ..? In order to not just wear this he 11 facts about batik!

Batik originated from the word''''in Javanese amba meaning Writing, and the word''meaning''nitik point. In English terms interpreted as Batik Hand Dyeing or coloring by hand.
There are 51,100,000 search results Batik''said''in Google in English, and 12.5 million search results on the word''Google''Batik Indonesian language.
October 2, 2009 the day of enactment Batik Cultural Heritage for Humanity Oral and Nonbendawi or Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO on October 2, 2009. This recognition includes the entire batik techniques, technology, and cultural development and related motifs.
Ten of 11 batik making process always begins with N. Starting from Nyungging (batik motifs create a pattern on paper), Njaplak (transferring a pattern from paper to fabric), Nglowong (attach night in fabric with canting corresponding line pattern), Ngiseni (give motive stuffing or Isen, Isen on the motives that have been attached to the night), Nyolet (colored floral or bird with a brush), Mopok (closing part dicolet by night. This stage is accompanied by nembok or covering the basic fabric of unnecessary diwarna), Ngelir (fabric dyeing process as a whole), Nglorod (merupkan rinsing process is carried out two phases. In the mid and late. You do this by soaking a cloth in boiling water), Ngrentesi (to the point of using a thin thorny canting), Nyumri (cover certain parts with the night), Nyoja (dipping the cloth with brown or Sogan. As Typically Batik Yogyakarta and Solo).
A piece of batik cloth size of 2.5 meters completed within three months. The more unique motifs and colors, the more valuable collection of these batik.
Batik is currently divided into two. Traditional and modern batik Batik. In traditional batik motifs berfilosofis still uses that generally reflects the area of ​​manufacture. While the modern batik is meaningless symbolic and tend to like the free colored purple, blue, yellow, etc.. For traditional batik tended dark, white, brown or blackish.
Until now more than 10 festivals held every year batik. Starting Bull Festival, Festival of Solo Batik, Batik Pekalongan Festival, Festival of Batik Semarang, East Java Batik Festival, Festival of the West Java Batik, Batik Contemporary Festival, Festival of National Batik, Batik Week National, International Batik Week, and Indonesia World Batik Summit.
Based on the manufacturing techniques of batik can be divided into three: Batik, Batik Cap with the manufacture of 3-4 days, and Batik Painting.
Solo and Pekalongan be consistent cities in Indonesia batik hold the event, ranging from holding the Festival of Solo Batik, Solo Batik Carnival, Chinese Batik Festival.
F.A. Sutjipto (archaeologist Indonesia) believe the tradition of batik is also owned areas such as Toraja, Flores, Halmahera and Papua.
Some of Hollywood actress and American public figures who participated in this important event wearing a batik like Bill Gates, Jessica Alba, and Adam Clayton (U2 bassist) when appearing at Somerville Theatre, Boston, Massachusetts, United States. Jessica wore batik red carpet while attending the Step-Up's Fourth Annual Fashion Forward Luncheon. Batik motif is a motif which he used Parang Rusak he wears a typical Jogjakarta.


  1. these facts do not help

  2. Thanks for helping but the facts could be shorter and should be spaced out .ANYWAYS thanks for the facts i used them for my homework:)

  3. these facts are nothing chinky

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. how do you know there are 11 cos they are all together . space them out like other websites so they are easy to use

  6. totes unhelpful change it NOW THIS IS USELESS

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